Expert Dentists Offering The Best

Costa Rica Dental Implants

Costa Rica Dental Implants

Welcome to the best Costa Rica dental implants clinic!

Our skilled team of dentists specializes in delivering best dental implants to help you achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of. We offer personalized treatment plans and utilize cutting-edge technology to ensure you receive the utmost care. Our goal is to provide exceptional results and ensure you have a positive experience during your dental implant procedure.

Dental implants are sought after by individuals looking to replace one or more missing teeth, and our clinic stands as the leading provider of Costa Rica dental implants. With thousands of successful procedures, our highly skilled Costa Rica dental implants experts at Costa Rica Dental Services have brought confidence and brilliance to countless smiles. Read on to explore these procedures and understand the treatment approach of our expert team.


Dental Implants: What Are They?

Dental implants act as artificial tooth roots, securely placed in the maxilla or mandible. They create a sturdy foundation for dental restorations, ranging from a single porcelain crown to more extensive structures like dentures. Dental implants offer a natural and healthy solution for lost teeth, allowing our dental implants patients to chew, smile, and talk with security and comfort.

Our dental implants are made of titanium for its tissue-friendly properties and perfect bone integration, our clinic exclusively uses top dental implant brands like ZIMMER, 3i, and MIS.

Am I a Candidate?

Losing one or more teeth impacts both the appearance and function of your mouth. Failure to replace a missing tooth can lead to strain on other teeth, causing eventual damage. Additionally, it can result in digestive issues due to inadequate chewing. Dental implants restore both the beauty and functionality of your mouth.

For those with insufficient bone for the dental implant, Costa Rica Dental Services clinic offers bone graft procedures. Depending on the grafted bone’s quality and quantity, patients may receive a dental restoration immediately or after six months.

Typically, the Costa Rica dental implants procedure involves two stages: implant placement followed by crown placement six months later. In certain cases, the immediate implant procedure may be performed, combining both stages simultaneously by Dr. Rodolfo Gadea, Dr. Marisel Ramirez, or Dr. Magali Carvajal.

The best procedure for each dental implants patient depends on factors like overall dental health, bone structure, preferred restoration type, and aesthetic desires.